
Weight Paint Tools

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Weight Paint Tools

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Addon for Blender 3.6 and 4.x containing tools for simplifying workflow in blender weight paint mode. Useful for riggers, animators and character artist but not only.

  • easy menu for applying weights to vertices - with properly working symmetry and auto normalization
  • custom weights mirroring/simmetrization for all tools.
  • symmetrize vertex groups that works even if topology is not symmetrical
  • easy picking/copying vertex weights, from multiple selected vertices.
  • mixing vertex weights - add, replace, multiply weights from one bone to another
  • improved smoothing, level weights - with properly working symmetry and auto normalization
  • draw gradient with custom gradient falloffs (Ease, linear, Gaussian), and mirroring.
  • 'Override from adjacent' - replace broken weights on selected vertices from adjacent geometry.
  • Project weights - Project weights from non selected mesh parts to selection

Weight Paint Tools comes bundled with Draw Weights addon - gives you ability to draw 3d view overlay - where each vertex group will be drawn with separate color - giving you ability to visualize all weights at same time. Too see how it look - check out colored overlay in this page banner images/videos - colors comes from DrawWeights addon.

DOCUMENTATION (Blender 3.6 - 4.0)

Video Guide (for Blender 2.8 but are working the same in Blender 3.6 - 4.x ):



As a bonus you can also get 'Draw Weights' addon for displaying all vertex groups with different color. It is useful for debugging problems with vertex weights, for example if color of vertex is too dark/bright it means weights assigned to it are not properly normalized (they are too low/ too high).

Update 1.1 (24.08.2018):

  • added custom draw gradient tool (defautl hotkey ctrl+D (or from pie: ctrl+X -> Weight Tools -> Draw Gradient) - in weight paint mode when vertex masking is enabled). It has custom gradient profile option, and works with symmetry.
  • bugfixes, simpyfing workflow

Update 1.2 (30.08.2018):

Update 1.3 (07.09.2018):

  • Added "Fill Weights" When vertices are not normalized (total sum of weights is below 1) then fill the remaining portion with active vertex group weight until it reaches 100%

Update 1.4 (11.09.2018):

  • symmetrize - add option (F6) to symmetrize all vert groups for selected vertices.
  • Paste weights - make it work with symmetry. So pasting ver weights on right side , will automatically mirror those pasted verts on left.

Update 1.5 (13.10.2018):

  • symmetrize - merged into Mirror tool.
  • Mirror Tool - added 'All groups' option, to mirror all groups in selection (not just active group).
  • Mirror - Project - New tool same as above, but work with meshes that have non symmetrical topology.
  • 'Draw Weights' addon - added 'Merge colors' option. With it left and right bones will have same color.
  • Video added: https://youtu.be/mN7JYVp1u7k

Update 1.5.2 (18.10.2018):

  • paste vert weights on other objects fixed. Now it works based on vert group names, so vert group order dosen't matter.
  • add support for r. and l. prefixes

Update 1.6.1 (6.11.2018):

  • Most operations are waay faster now (probably  between 2x - 10x times)
  • Added Lighten mix mode for "Transfer Vertex Weights" operator (get max weight from source and target vert groups)

Update 2.0.3 (for blender 2.8) (27.03.2019)

  • bug fixes for compatibility with latest daily blender 2.8 builds
  • added auto-update feature, in addon preferences. When new release is out, you can use auto-update to automatically download and install new version.

Update 2.0.4 (for blender 2.8) (22.05.2019)

  • Fixed compatibility with latest blender 2.8 release,
  • Fixed gradient tool, mirror project tool.
  • improved speed with gradient tool

Update 2.0.5 (for blender 2.8) (26.05.2019)

  • Added support for AutoRig Pro plugin,
  • Ported 'Draw Weights' addon to blender 2.8

Update 2.0.6 (for blender 2.8) (12.06.2019)

  • fix to set weights (cycling through Normalize option, could stuck in one option sometimes)

Update 2.0.7 (for blender 2.8) (22.06.2019)

  • added more hotkeys in preferences (so that it can be tweaked to work with Left click keymaps)
  • improved drawing in 'Draw Weights' script (draw random color for each vertex group). Now it displays edges and vertices with selection highlight.

Update 2.0.8 (for blender 2.8) (27.06.2019)

  • - fixed grow/shrink selection when is modal levels/smooth.
  • - Fix undo in modal levels/smooth

Update 2.0.9 (for blender 2.8) (10.08.2019)

  • Added 'Override from adjacent operator
  • bug fixes

Update 2.1.0 (for blender 2.8) (26.08.2019)

  • added: add, subtract, replace options to draw gradient.
  • fix draw gradient bug

Update 2.1.1 (for blender 2.8) (17.09.2019)

Update 2.1.2 (for blender 2.8) (04.10.2019)

  • fix normalize error
  • fix mirror error on Autorig skeleton
  • added more descriptive warning when operation fails (rather than throwing errors)

Update 2.1.3 for blender 2.83 and 2.9 (20.02.2021)

  • support name.r.00x type of bone names of symmetry.
  • added [X] option to remove verts from vertex group
  • shift + Scroll will increase/decrease weight by 0.05
  • fixed auto-updater on linux.
  • fixes auto-updater not working on Mac

Update 2.1.5 (18.12.2022 For Blender 3.x)

  • better handling of symmetrical bones/groups names.

Update 2.1.6 (10.03.2023 For Blender 3.x)

  • refactored whole mirroring stuff (this affect 90% of addon)

Update 2.1.7 (3.04.2023 For Blender 3.x)

  • compatibility with blender 3.5
  • simpler drawing for 'Symmetry search distance'

Update 2.1.8 (23.07.2023 For Blender 3.6 only !) :

  • moved old bgl drawing to gpu module (addon will work on Metal now) - in both WPTool and Draw_Weight add-ons.

Update 2.1.9 (24.10.2023 For Blender 3.6, 4.x!) :

  • Added Blender 4.x support,
  • Removed old bgl drawing, moved to new gpu module,
  • Fix Smoothing and Levels operators, if not active selected bone is present,
  • Show message if trying to select bone from active vertex group, and object has no vertex groups,

Updated 2.3.0 (17.02.2025 - for Blender 3.6, 4.x),

  • tweak how mirror ignores vert - that are closer that fac*search_dist from center line (fixes mirroring not working when search_dist is very big),
  • Draw Weights will draw 'arm.l.xzy' named bones as symmetrical correctly now,
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