Profile Picturebartoszstyperek

Viewport presets for Blender (addon)

15 ratings

Viewport presets is Blender 2.8 addon for creating, storing and loading custom 3d view presets.
Blender viewport is awesome but tweaking it takes some time, and so I found myself not using most of the features it provides. It just takes to much time to click through all the settings. Well now you do this just once, and then store the 3d View preset using 'Viewport Presets' addon. You can reuse it in any other 3d view, different workspaces or different blend files.

This addon will help you store and load 3d view settings:

  • shading

  • viewport overlays

  • widgest

  • objects types selection and visibility restrictions

  • eevee settings (optional)

There is also option to copy current 3d view settings to clipboard and then paste into another 3d view with 'Paste viewport'


Press alt+W hotkey - to access pie menu (hotkey can be changed in addon preferences).

Use 'Save new preset' to save current 3d view state. To load preset just click on its name.

At the bottom of pie menu, there is list of workspaces - you can use it to switch workspace  while keeping viewport settings in sync (it is simple helper macro: copy current 3d view settings, switch workspace, paste 3d view settings).

Addon works only with blender 2.8 and above.

With addon you will get some example viewport presets in: file - the preview is visible on top banner of this site.

You can unpack those to your target presets folder located in:

C:\Users\YORNAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.8_\scripts\presets
After unzipping your presets folder should contain 'view_presets' sub-folder, and in there .dat presets should be placed.

Update 1.1 (03.02.2020)

  • more example presets

  • add option to change theme face orientation color in viewport overlays

when switching workspace using alt+W pie, the 3d view settings from under the cursor will be copied to target workspace

Update 1.2 (12.12.2021)

  • bugfixes for Blender 3.0

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Viewport presets for Blender (addon)

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