Blob Fusion
Blob Fusion is Blender extension organic and hard-surface meshes creation. It can be thought as mix of ZSpheres with Metaballs/SDFs, combining best of both worlds.
Latest version 1.6.x (extension) is for Blender 4.2+ only.
Capsules Blobs | Capsules + Sphere Blobs | Final posed character
- Supported primitives: Sphere, Round Capsule, Cube, Torus, Mesh and Cylinder Blobs
- Auto-generated hierarchy of objects (rig like), when adding new Blobs
- Colorization of Blobs (introduced in Blob Fusion 1.6.3)
- SDF is converted to mesh in real time (no need for time-consuming meshing first). You can render what you see directly from 3d view.
- Smooth Blobs blending control [Alt+B]
- Subtract and Union modes [-] key to toggle,
- Simple workflow: Extrude, Subdivide, Connect and Duplicate is all you need to model
- Library of Blobs Presets (humanoid and animals)
- One click Armature generation
- Ability to deform Blob domains with Blender modifiers or instance them with Collection Instancing
- Works on: Mac, Linux and Windows
Online Documentation
Character Modeling Timelapse
How To use:
- Go to right sidebar (N) -> Tools -> Blob Fusion tab -> Click [+] icon (Add Blob Domain)
- Workspace tool will be automatically switched to 'Blob Fusion' - this overrides some hotkeys to the ones listed below
- Shift+A (add menu) -> Add blob (first entry) - this will be first thing you will want to use.
- Select created Blob (empty) - press E - to extrude it into capsule. More hotkeys below:
- Shift+A Add Menu Blob
- E Extrude
- Shift+D Duplicate Blob(s)
- Ctrl + MMB Scroll Select adjacent Blobs
- F Connect two selected blobs
- W Subdivide selected blob segment
- P Rip/Separate Selected blob segment,
- Shift+G Select Child Blobs, Select Blobs by Type
- Alt+B Adjust Blob Blend factor
- Ctrl+B Blob Parameters Popup
- M Toggle Mute Blob(s)
- Alt+M Unmute All
- X\\Del Delete
- Alt+S Unify Scale - makes empty Round
- Shift+V Slide Empty towards adjacent Node Ending/Parent
- Y Rip capsule blobs, from adjacent capsules,
Artwork by Metin Seven
Update 1.1 (10.08.2022)
- added automated rig generation
- added fast transform mode.
Update 1.2 (11.06.2023) For Blender 3.3 and up
- Fixed Symmetry not working on Blender 3.5,
- Moved all drawing functions to GPU module,
- Fix buggy down resolution not restoring original res sometimes (eg. on redo),
- added dog preset into downloads
- fixed armature generation on more complicated setups
For Blender 3.6 and 4.x - Released 02.11.2023,
- added compatibility with Blender 4.x,
- Simplification option exposed in preferences (for 'Fast Transform'),
Update 1.4.0 for Blender 3.6, 4.x (Released 15.11.2023):
- Mute warnings in Blender 4.0
Update 1.5.1 (For Blender 3.6 and 4.x - Released 12.03.2024),
- Faster Blobs calculations in Blender 4.0 and above,
- Automatic Blob Domain Resize - expand/shrink domain to match size of blobs inside it,
- Added Blobs Library,
- Added 'Move To Index' - to reorder blobs,
- Added gizmos for manual blobs domain resizing and locking faces,
- Added option to change BFusion panel category in preferences,
- Bugfixes,
Update 1.5.2 (for Blender 3.6 and 4.x - Released 13.04.2024),
- Translate, Rotate, Scale (G, R, S) keys, for Blobs objects transformations can now be customized in Blender Hotkeys preferences,
Update 1.6.0 (for Blender 4.2+ Extension - Released 3.08.2024) ,
- compatibility with Blender 4.2 (BFusion is extension now !),
- Added 'Split Capsule' operator ( [Y] - hotkey),
- Added Cube, Cylinder and Torus primitives,
- Improved speed of blobs generation,
- 2 new presets is library - cartoon female and mech.
- bugfixes,
Update 1.6.3 (For Blender 4.2+ Released 20.08.2024)
- Added option to colorize Blobs,
- Added Mesh (to Blob) primitive,
- Added Gradient Tool, for coloring selected blobs,
- Added 'Select By Similar Color' operator
Blob Fusion addon zip file, and 3 example Characters